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Fire research institute

En el documento adjunto se encuentran algunos títulos de interés con su bibliografía que se pueden solicitar a la dirección electrónica de más abajo. Están solo disponibles en inglés.

The articles below represent what we have found this month in the published literature. The articles are in order of what was located.


To find an article on any particular subject, or an author, try a word search using a word processor. Anyone wishing to join this mailing list may do so free of charge by contacting our email address above. Our website contains all the citations found (approximately 73,000 to date) in all topics concerning wildland fire, including fire science and fire management. The citations listed below are on the web site. Please fee free to notify us of any articles you know have been published. If you wish to have a copy of an article, you can request this through our email address.


Current Titles in Widland Fire, November 2005.