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  /  Temas Técnicos   /  Investigaciones en Incendios Forestales   /  Effect of fire in chemical changes of soil when prescribed burns are applied in a temperate forest of Mexico

Effect of fire in chemical changes of soil when prescribed burns are applied in a temperate forest of Mexico

The use of fire as a forest management tool has been practised in many countries with similar conditions to Mexico (Wells et al, 1979; Aguirre, 1981; Hudson and Salazar, 1981). However, the use of prescribed fires in Mexico is very restricted (Toledo, unpubl.). Therefore, there is a limited experience in the use of fire as a silvicultural tool (González-Cabán and Sandberg, 1989). This is due to, among other things, that very little is known about the effects of prescribed fires in the particular conditions of the Mexican forests. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of these two techniques of prescribed fire, which were carried out in a pine-dominated upland seasonally dry forest in Jalisco State, Mexico.

Autor(es): José German Flores Garnica y Juan de Dios Solorio Benavides.


Effect of fire in chemical changes.